Caboose Club will be closed on March 17th – 28th, 2025 for spring break
September 2024 – June 2025
- Before and after school care will start on Wednesday, September 4, 2024. We are operating in the old portable (Portable # 1), two new portables (Portable # 2 and # 3) and in the gym.
- Before School Care 7-8:40 AM and Kindercare (7 – 8:40 AM and 2:48 – 5:15 PM)
- Before school care program starts at 7 AM in the portable # 1. Sign in inside the portable # 2 and walk your child to the portable # 1 to meet the leaders. If you arrive closer to 8 AM the group or part of the group can be outside on the playground. In this case, please walk your child to meet the leaders outside.Your child will need indoor shoes to attend before and after school care.
- After school care 2:48 – 5:15 and Kindercare (7 – 8:40 AM and 2:48 – 5:15 PM)
- At 2:48 PM the children in Grade 1 and K will be walked by the school staff to the back exit of the school (closer to the covered area) and will be picked up there by Caboose Club leaders at 2:48-2:50 PM. Please note that children in Kindergarten have Kindergarten Gradual Entry Schedule for September 4-10th, check with your teacher or school staff if you have not received it. Starting the day when regular attendance begins for children in Kindergarten (September 11th) children in Kindergarten will be walked by the school staff to the back exit of the school and will be picked up by Caboose Club leaders at the meeting spot at 2:48.
- Please notify your child’s teacher that your child is going to go to Caboose Club after school. Grade 2-5 children meet Caboose Club leaders at the back playground closer to Caboose Club. The leaders will instruct your children where they go (group 1 will go to the Portable # 1, group 2 will go to the Portable # 2, group 3 – Portable # 3).
- Sign in and out table will be located in the Portable # 2. Sign your child(ren) out OR talk to a leader asking to sign your child out before leaving Caboose Club with your child.
- Children will need to bring their own snack.
- It is imperative that children bring inside shoes on the first day of attendance and keep at Caboose Club to wear every day.
- Please note: One calendar month’s written notice is required if your child is to be withdrawn from any program. We are unable to reimburse fees for sick days, holidays or any other days of absenteeism.

Day care Options
Before and After School Care