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Welcome to Caboose Club

 Thank you for visiting! We are an Out of School Society located in Cordova Bay. If you are interested in learning more about our services, please browse our website. 





September 2024 - June 2025

Please find below some details about before and after school care and kindercare.

Before and after school care will start on Wednesday, September 4, 2024. We are operating in the old portable (Portable # 1), two new portables (Portable # 2 and # 3) and in the gym.

Before School Care 7-8:40 AM and Kindercare (7 - 8:40 AM and 2:48 - 5:15  PM)

Before school care program starts at 7 AM in the portable # 1. Sign in inside the portable # 2 and walk your child to the portable # 1 to meet the leaders. If you arrive closer to 8 AM the group or part of the group can be outside on the playground. In this case, please walk your child to meet the leaders outside.Your child will need indoor shoes to attend before and after school care. 

After school care 2:48 - 5:15 and Kindercare (7 - 8:40 AM and 2:48 - 5:15 PM)

At 2:48 PM the children in Grade 1 and K will be walked by the school staff to the back exit of the school (closer to the covered area) and will be picked up there by Caboose Club leaders at 2:48-2:50 PM. Please note that children in Kindergarten have Kindergarten Gradual Entry Schedule for September 4-10th, check with your teacher or school staff if you have not received it. Starting the day when regular attendance begins for children in Kindergarten (September 11th) children in Kindergarten will be walked by the school staff to the back exit of the school and will be picked up by Caboose Club leaders at the meeting spot at 2:48.
Please notify your child’s teacher that your child is going to go to Caboose Club after school. Grade 2-5 children meet Caboose Club leaders at the back playground closer to Caboose Club. The leaders will instruct your children where they go (group 1 will go to the Portable # 1, group 2 will go to the Portable # 2, group 3 – Portable # 3).
Sign in and out table will be located in the Portable # 2. Sign your child(ren) out OR talk to a leader asking to sign your child out before leaving Caboose Club with your child.

Children will need to bring their own snack.

It is imperative that children bring inside shoes on the first day of attendance and keep at Caboose Club to wear every day.

Please note:   One calendar month’s written notice is required if your child is to be withdrawn from any programWe are unable to reimburse fees for sick days, holidays or any other days of absenteeism




Registration for current Caboose Club families began on the 16th of January, 2024 by

e-mail messages.

To register for the 2024/2025 school year, you will need to print, fill out, scan and send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. the following paperwork:

  • Re-registration form

You will find the re-registration form at 


  • Emergency card and your child's photo. You will find the emergency card at http://www.cabooseclub.ca/images/stories/documents/forms/emergencycard_2012.pdf 
  • To reserve your spot you will need to bring 12 post-dated cheques and put them into Caboose Club secure locked mail box located on the porch attached to the portable # 2. Please find the list of the cheques below:
  • Society Fee ($35/child or $45/family, post-dated September 1st , 2024)
  • $50 non-refundable deposit (per child, dated today)
  • September fees less $50 deposit (post-dated September 1st , 2024)
  • Post-dated cheques for October 2024 - June 2025 (Fees: before school care $ 145.40, after school care $ 275.40, before and after school care $ 376.00, Kindercare (only for children attending Kindergarten starting September 2024, Kindercare hours are: 7 - 8:40 AM and 2:48 – 5:15 PM) - $ 200.00) Fees are subject to change.



Registration for new families began at 7 AM on February 8th, 2024 by e-mail messages only on a first come, first served basis. Please note that application messages received before 7 AM on February 8th, 2024 will not be accepted.

To register for the 2024/2025 school year, you will need to print, fill out, scan and send to  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. the following paperwork:

  • Registration form.

You will find the registration form at 


You will need to bring and put 12 post-dated cheques into Caboose Club secure locked mailbox located on the porch attached to the portable # 2 behind Cordova Bay Elementary school. The list of the cheques is below.
  • Society Fee ($35/child or $45/family, post-dated September 1st , 2024)
  • $50 non-refundable deposit (per child, post-dated February 8th, 2024)
  • September fees less $50 deposit (post-dated September 1st , 2024)
  • Post-dated cheques for October 2024 - June 2025 (Fees: before school care $ 145.40, after school care $ 275.40, before and after school care $ 376.00, Kindercare (only for children attending Kindergarten starting September 2024, Kindercare hours are: 7 - 8:40 AM and 2:48 – 5:15 PM) - $ 200.00)  Fees are subject to change.                                                                                    Feel free to contact Caboose Club at 250-658-0548 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if you have any questions.



 August 30th, 2023


Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative

Caboose Club has been approved to participate in the Child Care Fee Reduction Initiative (CCFRI) to reduce parent fees for children in grade 1 - 5.

Parent fee reduction amounts that Caboose Club will receive are prescribed by the Ministry of Education and Child Care and are based on type of care.

According to the information provided by the Ministry of Children and Family Development, Caboose Club is changing the fees for September 2023 to June 2024 for before and after school care for children in grade 1-5 to $ 363.00 per month, and after school care will be $ 262.40 for children in grade 1-5.

September 2023 post-dated cheques will be cashed on September 1, 2023 and credit applied towards October fees. Please provide new post-dated cheques for 2023-2024 school year by September 15, 2023, please put your post-dated cheques into Caboose Club secure locked mail box located on the porch attached to the portable # 2.





Caboose Club will not be offering summer camps in July and August 2025.


Here are some options for the families:








Keating Out-of-School Care runs two summer programs. Their main program is open to all school age children (including children who will be entering Kindergarten in September so long as a licensing exemption is obtained), while their much smaller Youth Adventure Program is for children who will be entering Grade 4 or older in September, but both programs are able to accommodate children up to age 12 and they accept children from the entire Greater Victoria region.


They have a later registration than many camps -- they will begin taking registrations at 7:00am on May 1st. Activity calendars will be available on their website sometime mid-April. Cost per day is $45, and they allow registration on a daily basis so that families can choose specifically which days of care they need.



COVID-19 Health and Safety Plan 


Caboose Club will adapt as much as possible to implement public health and infection prevention and control measures, including staying home when ill, minimized physical contact, hand hygiene, frequent cleaning and disinfection


Access to child care facilities.


All children and staff members wash their hands when entering the portables; before and after eating; after using the washroom; after coughing or sneezing; etc


Should children or staff members have symptoms similar to the common cold, influenza or COVID-19, they will be encouraged to stay home, be assessed by their health care provider and tested for COVID-19. When someone is symptomatic, they will self-isolate and follow directions provided by their health care provider. 


At drop off, by signing in the child parent confirms that child does not have symptoms of common cold, influenza, COVID-19, or other respiratory disease. 


If your child develops flu-like symptoms while in our care, we will move them to a separate supervised area, and you will be required to pick them up immediately. If your child has ANY of the flu-like symptoms, they are not able to return to Caboose Club for 5 days after the symptoms first appear or when advised by their health care provider.


Health, Safety and Cleaning Procedures


Drop off and pick up procedures



-          Children will immediately go to washroom and will wash their hands with soap and water for 20 seconds/sanitize their hands or use hand sanitozer. Hand sanitizer will also be available for parents. 


-          Hang up outside clothing and change shoes in their cubby


-          Children will need indoor shoes to wear at Caboose Club


-          Lunchboxes and water bottles can be left in the cubby





-          Children are required to bring snack from home


Supplies in portables


-          All soft items will be washed on regular basis.


-          Limited number of toys will be available for the children, no home toys


-          No cooking at this time




-          Staff and children are encouraged to be outdoors as much as possible throughout the day, at least 45-60 minutes as per reqirement, using covered area if it rains.


Cleaning protocols


-          Removing unnecessary items from the workplace to reduce surfaces that could become contaminated.


-          All common areas (e.g., washrooms) and frequently-touched surfaces (e.g., door knobs, light switches, faucet handles, tables, chairs) will be cleaned and disinfected at least twice a day.


-          Labelled bleach/Lysol/Hydrogenic spray bottles will be used with paper/cloth towels to clean items.


-          If a worker or child leaves the workplace due to symptoms of COVID-19, Caboose Club workers will clean areas those individuals were in, including surfaces they may have touched, immediately upon their departure


Health protocols


-          Staff and children will follow strict health protocols. 


-          If a staff member is unwell with any of the above symptoms, they will be required to stay home, self-isolate and follow directions provided by their health care provider.


 Caboose Club does not offer drop in after school care at this time.


References used in creation of this plan can be found here:






More detailed information is available at: 







NOTE: We are unable to reimburse fees for holidays, sick days or any other days of absenteeism.




Please send your child with footwear that is appropriate for running around on the gym floor. This footwear will also be used inside the portables, as we ask that each child takes off their outside shoes upon entry. All extra footwear should be labelled, and can be kept at Caboose Club. It is important for children to have their shoes on in case of emergency.



Announcement Regarding New Fall 2024 Registrations

As you are aware, the demand for after school care programs across Greater Victoria - including School District 63 - often exceeds available spots.

Although Caboose Club tries its best to ensure all families who require after school care are accommodated, we anticipate our after school program will be full for September 2024.

Some spaces may become available through the summer, so new families are still encouraged to apply and be put on our waitlist.  We will advise families of open spaces as soon as possible but this may not happen until the school year has started.

Families are encouraged to explore other child care options in the event no new spaces become available.








PLEASE REMEMBER TO SEND US AN E-MAIL MESSAGE AT This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. IF YOUR CHILD IS GOING TO BE ABSENTThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.">


  1. We call the office to see if they were at school.
  2. We check the classroom to see if they have been held late.
  3. We search the grounds & school.
  4. We try and establish contact with parents and/or anyone listed on the emergency contact form.

If no family member can be contacted within 30 minutes of dismissal the police will be called.

This procedure takes approximately 20-30 minutes to complete and uses 2-3 staff. Please note that this includes when your child is participating in a school activity, such as cross-country, basketball, or soccer.

Please remember to sign your child(ren) in and out every day and let us know if your child is absent.

Are you interested in Personal Security and Mobile Phone Security for your child?-  see www.personalprotectionsystems.ca for more information

Caboose Calendar

September 2024
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
22 23 24 25 26 27 28
29 30 1 2 3 4 5