Parent Handbook

An Introduction to the Caboose Club

The Caboose Club is a non-profit, Before and After School Care Program operated by the Cordova Bay Out of School Society.

Our status as a non-profit Society means that all fees paid are returned directly to our program in the form of qualified caring staff, new equipment, games, art supplies and rent.

Revised September 2023.


The Society was incorporated in 1993 in response to the desire of a group of Cordova Bay School parents for an on-site care facility.

We opened our doors in September 1993 for after school care only. The initials of the Society, “CBOOSS”, and the after school care program, provided the basis for our name the “Caboose Club”, and the basis for our original logo – the rear box car of a train.

We initially operated from the boy’s change room, and later made plans for a more permanent home when a portable was moved to the school grounds in 1994. In September 2002 we opened our second portable to meet the increasing demands of Cordova Bay parents. In summer 2004 our main portable was relocated to the back of the school and a deck was built to join the two buildings offering convenience for both staff and parents. Two new portables were built in September 2020, the Older Portable was demolished.

Before school care was introduced in January 1995.

Executive and Staff

Our Executive

Caboose Club is a non-profit society that is run by a Manager under the guidance and direction of the Board Members. The Board Members are made up of volunteer parents.

The Board is made up of the following positions:

  1. Chairperson
  2. Vice Chairperson
  3. Treasurer
  4. Secretary
  5. Members at Large

Each family utilizing the Caboose Club becomes a member of the Society by paying a yearly membership fee of $35.00 per child or $45.00 per family. The membership attends an Annual General Meeting in October of each year to elect a Board of Directors. The Board meets once every few months and is responsible for overseeing the operation of the Caboose Club and for introducing and amending policies and fees from time to time.

Parents are encouraged to attend the Annual General Meeting and to become members of the Board. As a Board member, the duties you may be called upon to perform could include: accounts payable/accounts receivable, payroll, bookkeeping, taking minutes of or chairing meetings, acting as spokesperson in matters involving the School Board, or making applications for government grants. Without a generous donation of time from volunteer parents, the Caboose Club simply cannot continue to operate.

Our Staff

All of our staff meet CRD licensing requirements, have passed criminal record checks, have received first aid training.

Parents, practicum students, observing students and volunteers may be involved in the program from time to time, under the direction of the Supervisor.

We are presently licensed to care for eighty children. Our license permits a ratio of one staff to twelve younger children and one staff to fifteen for the older children, however the executive has authorized the Manager to exercise discretion in staffing for situations where a particular combination of children may warrant additional staffing.

Philosophy and Goal


Our philosophy is to provide a service for parents of children in our program by:

  • Creating a caring, stimulating and safe recreational environment;
  • Treating each child as an individual;
  • Working as a team with parents to nurture and guide children through their elementary school years;
  • Encouraging children to handle difficult situations with others in a peaceful manner; and
  • Modeling skills such as communication, independence, and respect for self and others.


Our goal is to provide a positive, social and friendly recreational environment, which promotes growth in all areas of development through games, toys, crafts, books, drama, music, baking, and indoor and outdoor play.


Caboose Club is available on a full-time for before and after school care or drop-in basis for before school care.

Full time is defined as registration in one or more of the programs 5 days per week.

(Full-time monthly care.) Post dated cheques for October to June are required on the day of registration. See Fee policy.

Caboose Club’s Hours of Operation are:

Before School Care                 Monday to Friday                   7:00am – 8:40am

After School Care                   Monday to Friday                   2:48pm – 5:15pm

Discretionary and Seasonal Break Days

Caboose Club offers care on some discretionary days, as long as there is sufficient registration and available staff. 

** No child shall be excluded from these special activities due to an inability to cover additional costs.

Please note: An administration fee may be assessed at the discretion of the board if persistent changes are made to a child’s program.


Parents are encouraged to read this introduction to the Caboose Club in its entirety, and are required to complete an annual Application Form and Registration Form. It is also important for parents of returning children to read the document as it contains policy changes from previous years.

Annual registration for the upcoming school year begins in January. There is a two-week registration period for families already utilizing the full-time programs prior to opening registration to new members. Under any category of enrolment, if there is more than one party requiring a single space or additional space, the members’ seniority (during the current school year in the program) shall be the deciding factor. For example, if two families who have used the program for drop-in are interested in a single full-time space, the family who has used the program for the greatest number of days in the current school year shall qualify for the space. At all times, registration for full-time space has priority over drop-in.

The order of priority for filling spaces shall be as follows:

  • First: current members registering for full time spots
  • Second: current members requiring additional space for children enrolled in the program (e.g. after school to after school and before school);
  • Third: current members requiring space for siblings of children enrolled in the program;
  • Last: new members (on a first come, first served basis).

Upon completion of an Application Form and confirmation of acceptance of your application, the following shall be required to ensure reservation of your space:

  1. Annual membership fee (may be post-dated to September 1st)
  2. A $50 non-refundable deposit, per child (which will de deducted from September fees)
  3. Completed Registration Form and Emergency card; and
  4. Post-dated cheque for September fees (minus your deposit)
  5. Post-dated cheques from October to June (dated for the 1st of each month).

For the purpose of staffing and accepting new registrations, we require that you provide one calendar month’s written notice if you no longer require care. This applies to anytime before the start of the new school year. Otherwise one month’s fees will be charged. See fee policy.

Attendance and Drop-In


In order to protect your child, we have implemented a program similar to the “Safe Arrival System” at Cordova Bay Elementary School. In the event we are not notified of your child’s absence by 2:55 p.m. we will take the following steps:

  • First: we will attempt to determine the whereabouts of the child;
  • Second: attempt to contact parents at work or at home;
  • Third: attempt to make contact at all emergency numbers listed on the Registration Form; and
  • Last: Call the police to report a missing child.


E-mail message at by 2:30 PM on school days is the best way to inform Caboose Club if your child is going to be absent from Caboose Club.

We would ask that you emphasize with your child the importance of coming directly from the classroom to the portable in order that we do not unnecessarily alarm you, the school, your emergency contact, or the police.

Drop In Policy

Drop-ins will only be accommodated if the drop-in does not cause us to exceed the maximum staff/child ratio scheduled for that day. Additional staff will not be brought in to accommodate drop-ins. On days when our numbers do not reach the maximum staff/child ratio for that day, drop-ins are accepted. (For instance, if there are 10 full-time children attending the before school program which requires us to have 1 staff member only, no drop-ins will be accepted. If the full time numbers are less than 10, drop-ins will be accepted on a first come first serve basis.) It is necessary for parents wishing to have their child attend drop-in care, to check with the Caboose Club staff at least 24 hours ahead of time to see if there will be room on the selected day(s). Staff will let you know if we are able to accommodate your request. Drop-in payment must be made at the time your child is picked up from Caboose Club. We require exact change or a cheque.

Drop Off and Pick Up

Authorized person:

It is imperative for staff to know when children arrive and when children leave each day. The parent/guardian or authorized pick up person will be responsible for signing in and signing out on the daily attendance sheet. Staff will be responsible for completing the daily intake form.


  • The parent/guardian or authorized pick up person must complete the daily sign in/out sheet indicating the time their child arrived and the time their child departed. The sign in/out sheets are located on a table to the right of the Supervisor’s desk when you enter the portable. Please use them – for your protection and ours.
  • The parent/guardian is requested to send an e-mail message to the childcare program by 8:00 am (in the case of the morning program) or 2:30 p.m. (in the case of the afternoon program) if their child will not be attending on that day or if their child will be arriving at a later time than usual.
  • Staff will complete the daily intake form upon arrival of each child and will add relevant information throughout the day
  • Staff will ensure that the daily attendance forms are completed.
  • Staff will record any messages regarding absenteeism or later arrival in the daily logbook.

Unauthorized person:

Children will be released only to those previously authorized by parents on the Registration Form, or to those previously authorized by notification in writing signed by parents. We would appreciate your co-operation in the regard, as for the safety of your child; we do not permit staff to use their discretion in conflict situations.

If an unauthorized person arrives to pick up a child, the child will remain under the supervision of the childcare staff. The staff person in charge will speak with this individual and explain the policy that no child will be released without written permission from the enrolling family.

Whenever difficulties exist, all reasonable efforts will be made to ensure the safety of the child, other children and the staff. If necessary, the staff person in charge may need to call the police for assistance.

As we are responsible for your child until he or she is signed out by an adult, we are not in a position to comply with requests to permit your child to walk or bike home alone.

Drop Off and Pick Up

Verbal permission via the telephone will NOT be allowed from the enrolling family ONLY written permission is acceptable as long as the parent/guardian confirms information about this person (name, address, telephone number, relationship to the child) and the pick up person presents photo identification to verify the information. Staff will store all written dated documentation in your child’s file. To prevent any problems, please put authorized pick up persons on your medical/registration form; you can add or delete people as needed.

Alleged Impaired Authorized Pick Up:

It is the staff’s legal responsibility, to the extent that this is possible, not to release a child to an authorized person who is unable to adequately care for a child. If a staff member believes that a child will be at risk, the staff person in charge will:

  1. Offer to call a relative or friend to pick up the person and child


  1. Contact the Ministry for Children and Families

The safety and well-being of your child is our first and foremost priority. Although we believe you are best suited to determine what precautions should be taken to ensure your child’s safety, it is possible for a situation to arise in which your judgment is impaired and our staff must exercise discretion in ensuring the child’s safety. For example, should our staff suspect that you are not in a position to drive due to intoxication or a recently administered anaesthetic, we must insist that one of your emergency contacts, or a taxi, be called to transport you and your child home. If the presumed impaired person chooses to get in the car with or without the child, staff will immediately notify the police. The senior staff person will call the Ministry for Children and Families if they feel that the child is in need of protection. Any subsequent incident will likely result in expulsion from the program.

Late Pick Up

All children must be picked up by an authorized person no later than 5:15 p.m. If an emergency arises, the pick up person is expected to notify the centre as soon as possible and make alternate arrangements for pickup no later than 5:30 p.m.

If the child is not picked up by 5:30 p.m. and the authorized pick up person or enrolling family has not called, the centre will try and contact the family and then someone from the authorized pick up list for that child. If all efforts are unsuccessful, the staff person in charge will call the Ministry for Children and Families. The staff person in charge will also try to leave a message for the family and/or with an authorized person.

If late pick up is a repeated problem, the senior supervisor and the enrolling parent/guardian will meet to try to address the problem. All efforts will be made to successfully address the problem. If un-resolvable, one calendar month’s notice may be given prior to termination of services required.

Once again, we would ask that you make every effort to keep us informed in order that we do not alarm anyone unnecessarily.

A late fee will be levied for pick up after 5:15 p.m. to cover the additional staffing cost. This fee is more specifically described in the “Fees” section.


Caboose Club requires providing post-dated cheques for each month (1st of each month) on the day of registration for the next school year. Our rate structure has been calculated based on the number of days school is in session.

In order to keep our fees at a reasonable level, we schedule staff and purchase supplies quantities based on information provided by you in advance. It is for these reasons we are unable to reimburse fees for holidays, sick days or any other days of absenteeism.

Parents receiving government subsidy are required to provide the authorization form by the 1st day of each month or pay the fees themselves and be reimbursed when authorization is received.

Fees for drop-in are due on the day of care either at the time of sign-in or sign-out. Failure to pay drop-in fees at the requested time will result in late payment charges, and/or cancellation of drop-in privileges.

One calendar month’s written notice is required if your child is to be withdrawn from the program. In lieu of notice, one month’s fees must be paidThere will be no refund of fees should you withdraw your child from the program without one calendar month’s notice. In the event, however, we are required to take the extreme measure of requesting that your child be removed from the program due to uncontrollable behavior or other difficulties, you will be reimbursed for any unused portion of the fee paid.

A fee will be charged for NSF cheques in order to recover service charges levied on the Caboose Club by its bank for such cheques. We also reserve the right to impose a $25.00 late fee for late payment. All fees are subject to change with thirty days written notice.

The fee for Discretionary Days referred to on our website represents that payable per day over and above our monthly fee to compensate for the additional days of care provided as Discretionary Days have not been calculated in our monthly fees.

The charge for late pick-up (after 5:15 p.m.) is $15.00 for the first 15 minutes, and $1 per minute after that.

Example:        Closing time: 5:15

Late Parent Pick up time: 5:25

Charge: $25.00

Late Fees

Late fees are payable on a same-day basis and may be paid by cash or Cheque. We realize there may be situations in which the additional care was not anticipated and the funds are not readily available. In such instances, our expectations are that you will attend to payment as soon thereafter as circumstances permit in order that we may remunerate our employee for the overtime.

Termination of Services

At Caboose Club, staff members are committed to providing a caring and supportive environment for all children and families. However, termination of services may be required if:

  • Fees for service are not paid according to the financial policies in the family agreement and sustainable arrangements cannot be agreed upon.
  • The family does not abide by the expectations in the family agreement and successful resolution of the differences is not achieved.
  • The child is no longer in the custody of the enrolling parent/guardian.
  • A family member harasses, threatens abuse or commits a violent act toward a staff person, child or other family involved in the childcare program.
  • The centre is unable to satisfactorily resolve problems of late pick up with a family.
  • The child’s behavior is severely disruptive or physically threatening to the well-being and safety of other children or staff and additional supports to accommodate the child are unavailable, bullying is not acceptable at Caboose Club.
  • The centre staff will complete observations on all children. If a child is not adjusting well, these observations will be discussed with the enrolling parent/guardian.
  • Programs will be planned and implemented to help the child. It the child is not responding, the family will be consulted. Other options may be explored with the family.
  • The centre may have to request that other arrangements be made for the child.

If either the parent/guardian or the centre wishes to terminate service, one calendar month’s written notice is required. A parent/guardian requesting termination may make payment of one month’s fees in lieu of notice.

(This excludes a situation where non-payment of fees exists)

Responsibilities of Guardians Personal Information

Responsibilities of Parents

To assist in maintaining our philosophy and achieve our goal, we ask that you, as parents:

  • Let us know how we can best meet your child’s needs;
  • Communicate regularly with the staff regarding any incidents at home or school which may require sensitive treatment;
  • Keep your personal information file updated, in particular, with respect to emergency contact numbers, allergies to food or medication, and provide Caboose Club with a copy of any existing custody orders including joint custody agreements so we can legally enforce the custody arrangement;
  • Sign your child in when you arrive and sign your child out when you return;
  • Keep informed of upcoming events and polices of the Caboose Club by checking the notice board and Caboose Club website at on a regular basis;
  • Provide your child with weather/activity appropriate clothing, keeping in mind the sudden shift in weather in Victoria;
  • Leave a complete change of clothing with the staff in the event of an accident should occur; and

Do not hesitate to speak with the supervisor or contact a member of the Board in the event you have any concerns. Comment sheets are also available at the sign in/out table – please feel free to use them.

Collection, Use and Disclosure of Personal Information

Caboose Club collects personal information, on registration forms, emergency contact forms etc, under the authority of the Child Care Licensing Regulation. The personal information is collected and used for the purpose of providing Child Care Services to you for your child/children and to ensure your child/children are kept safe. We keep the personal information collected secure and it is retained as required under the Child Care Licensing Regulation. We do not disclose personal information except as authorized under the provisions of the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA).

If you have any questions regarding the collection, use of disclosure of your personal information please contact the Caboose Club Manager at 250-658-0548.

Guidance and Discipline

The purpose of guidance and discipline in this program is to provide a safe and healthy environment in which each child can feel secure, respected and valued. Each child will be encouraged to develop positive relationships with peers and staff. Staff will be appropriate behavioural models, showing respect for children, parents, co-workers, themselves and the environment.

To this end, staff will:

  • Provide clear, simple and consistent limits regarding behavior in the program and such limits will be offered in a positive manner.
  • Work with the children to come up with better ways to solve future problems, engaging the child in a dialogue on the subject.
  • Be sympathetic to your child’s feelings in difficult situations.
  • Give your child time away from an activity, if needed, providing the opportunity for them to regain self control (1 minute per 1 year).

Children in the program are encouraged to:

  • BE SAFE – Take care of themselves by playing safely and following rules
  • BE KIND – Take care of others – help and never hurt
  • TAKE CARE OF THEIR SURROUNDINGS – Look after equipment, the portable and the environment.

In the event of inappropriate behavior such as swearing, aggression, running away from or not reporting to the staff, disrespect towards others or continual breaking of the rules, a child will first be reminded of our rules and expectations. Bullying will not be tolerated at Caboose Club. Should the behavior continue, or should a child lose control and/or ability to reason, a time-away period will be given in a non-isolated area until such time as the child regains control and is able to suggest a solution to avoid reoccurrence of the incident. Should we experience serious, repetitious problems with your child’s behavior, we will bring it to your attention in an effort to arrive at an effective solution. Should our attempts to solve the problem be unsuccessful, the staff will refer the matter to the Board of Directors and/or Ministry for Children and Families for direction.

No electronic device at Caboose Club

Custody, Access, and Ministry Apprehension

Custody and Access Agreements

If the parents have agreed to live separately, Caboose Club Society will assume that the information from the enrolling parent will be followed. However, without a custody or court order on file at the centre, Caboose Club Society cannot deny access to the non-enrolling parent. If this arises, the policy on authorized persons will be implemented.

If custody has not been legally determined and conflict between the parents/guardians and/or other family members is evident, Caboose Club Society may not be able to care for the child unless both parents and/or family members sign a written agreement confirming details of authorization for pick up and access to information about the child.

If a family has a custody or court order, a copy must be placed in the child’s file and details about all arrangement contained in the legal documents will be followed at all times.

Staff of Caboose Club Society will call the police if assistance is required to enforce a custody or court order.

Verbal and written information about the child will be shared with the enrolling parents/guardians unless otherwise agreed upon. Permission to share information with others will reflect the policy on confidentiality.

Apprehension by the Ministry for Children and Families

When a social worker from the Ministry for Children and Families and/or the police intends to apprehend a child at the childcare centre, the senior staff member on duty will be responsible for responding to the situation.

The staff member will require the social worker or police officer to provide photo identification. The staff member will record the name and title of the person apprehending the child and the address and phone number of the Ministry office involved, as well as the date and time of the apprehension. The staff member will then phone the Ministry office to verify with the supervisor that the social worker has authorization to apprehend this child, prior to the child being removed from the childcare centre.

Supported Childhood Development

Special Needs Children

An inclusive early learning and care program strives to find ways to include all children and remove barriers that prevent children from actively participating. Current research has determined that approximately 10% of children will require some level of additional support to ensure they can participate fully in community based childcare programs. These “special needs” can vary dramatically, from physical disability to intellectual delays, from social and behavioural challenges, to communication difficulties. Disabilities may be visible or invisible; children may be born with them, or they may emerge later on; the cause may be known or unknown. Special needs can change over time with just about every child having extra support needs at some point in their childhood (Child and Family Canada, Fact Sheet #18)

All children have the right to be cared for in environments within their own community that can meet their needs, and help them grow and develop to their fullest potential. Children with special needs require childcare for the same reasons as all children:

  • To grow, develop and learn
  • Friendship building and social inclusion
  • Parental employment, training, respite and support

Enrolment of Special Needs Children will be referred to the parent board for review. Special needs children will require the same level of assistance within the program as they require during school hours. It will be the responsibility of the parents for obtaining funding necessary for a higher ratio of care and arranging to have the necessary worker(s) in place before starting in the program. Please speak to the manager about possible resources that may be of value.

Important General Information

Active play. Children spend at least 60 minutes outside for active playing during Caboose Club hours.

Emergency Closure. If children are in the program at the time of the school closure, we will contact parents or emergency contact persons and ask that the child be picked up immediately. In the event of a school closure due to strike, weather conditions, health concerns, safety hazards, etc. the out-of-school-care program will close. If the school is closed during non-program hours, we will not be open until such time as the school is re-opened. In the case of a power outage that lasts for over thirty minutes, this is also cause for closure. We will call parents or emergency contact persons to come and pick up children immediately.

Caboose Club is a NUT FREE facility. We have children in our care that have anaphylactic allergies to any foods containing nuts. The safety and well being of the children at Caboose Club is our top priority. Therefore we ask that you include nothing in your child’s lunch that contains ANY NUTS. This mainly includes foods with nuts on and in it.

Play Dates

Play dates MUST be PRE-ARRANGED before attending Caboose ClubThe phone will not be available to children wanting to arrange play dates once Caboose Club has started our program. Play dates must be arranged prior to your child coming to Caboose Club for safety, legal and staffing reasons.

The planning of play dates once our program is in session is disruptive and ties up our phone line for parents trying to contact us and calls to parents who have not called in absent children. By law, Caboose Club needs written permission for your child to leave our premises with someone not listed on your pick up sheet.

Bully Free Zone

Caboose Club is a BULLY FREE ZONE. Caboose Club takes the issue of bullying very seriously: it will NOT be tolerated. Caboose Club promotes speaking up and out against bullying by telling a leader about unkind behaviour immediately. Combating bullying is an issue that takes everyone’s participation. Let’s get involved, stand up against bullying, and do the right thing so that nobody has to suffer through bullying anymore!

Child Abuse Reporting

Child Abuse: We are required to report any case of disclosed abuse to the Ministry of Social Services. Should our staff suspect abuse, they will notify the Ministry immediately and without hesitation.

Emergency Drills and Preparation

Emergency Information: The Caboose Club holds regular earthquake drills in accordance with School District #63’s regulations. In the event of an earthquake, an alarm will sound and all will take cover for one minute or until the shaking stops. Once the shaking has ceased, all will use the exit door and travel to the “Safe meeting spot”, the top field by the trees. It is the Supervisor’s duty to collect the first aid kit and attendance list, and then accompany the children to the meeting spot. It is the Assistant’s duty to check washrooms, under tables, behind doors and on the playground for children, and shut off all fuses and water.

The Caboose Club also holds regular fire drills in accordance with regulations imposed by the School District. In the event of a fire, an alarm will sound which will alert the children, and the Supervisor and Assistant will follow procedures consistent with that of an earthquake.

Illness and Flu

Illness: In consideration of the well being of other children attending the Caboose Club, and our staff, children must not attend the program if he or she is experiencing:

  • Ant flu-like symptoms;
  • Any form of undiagnosed pain;
  • Acute cold with fever, runny nose and eyes, coughing and sore throat;
  • Difficulty breathing (wheezing or persistent cough);
  • A fever over 100 degrees F or 38.3 degrees Celsius;
  • A sore throat or trouble swallowing;
  • Infected skin or eyes or an undiagnosed rash;
  • A headache and stiff neck;
  • Unexplained diarrhea or loose stool, nausea, vomiting or abdominal cramps;
  • Sever itching on the scalp and/or body;
  • Known or suspected communicable diseases.

Parents are responsible for informing the Caboose Club if their child has a communicable disease and will be required to provide written clearance from a physician before the child can return to the program.

Should your child become ill during program hours, he/she will be offered the chance to rest in a quiet area fully supervised. The parent(s) of the ill child will be contacted as soon as possible.

Medication Administration

Administering of Medication: Our staff is permitted to help to administer oral medication to a child PROVIDED the medication is in its original container, is labelled with the child’s name, and is accompanied by a signed “Permission to Administer Medication” form. This form is available from our Supervisor.

Injury Protocol and Prevention

Injuries: Every reasonable precaution is taken to protect your child against injuries; however, accidents do happen, even during supervised play. In the event an accident should occur resulting in a minor injury, our staff will provide first aid to your child. In the event an accident should occur resulting in a serious injury, we will call 911; then attempt to contact you or your emergency contacts for direction.

Discretionary Days

Discretionary Days: As mentioned earlier in the Handbook, we provide care on some Discretionary Days, if there is sufficient interest and available staff members.

Open Door and Parent Observation

Open Door: We advocate an open door communication policy. Parents are welcome to visit the portable and observe the program at any time. Consultation of staff, however, should be arranged for outside of program hours in order that staff attention is not distracted from the children. This also ensures that parental concerns and questions are given due care, attention and confidentiality.

Personal Items from Home

Personal Items: Caboose Club strongly discourages bring personal toys from home. If a child ignores the leader’s request to put the toy away the leader will keep the item until it can be given to the parent at pick up time. In the past children’s toys from home have been lost, broken or stolen. Personal toys seem to prompt arguments and promote exclusive play. Caboose Club is not responsible for lost, broken or stolen items.

Lunch and Snacks

Snacks: We do not provide snack at this time, please send snack with your child every day. The children are supervised during meals.

Lunch: Children are required to bring their own lunch and beverage on full days.

Contact Information and Address

How to Contact us:

Address: 5238 Cordova Bay Rd., Victoria, BC V8Y 2L2

Phone number: 250-658-0548


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the registration process for the Caboose Club?

Please complete all registrations forms and make sure that your registration deposit is included. For more information on our fees and what is needed in order for registration to be complete please refer to the fees and registration section.

My Child has Special Needs; can the Caboose Club accommodate them?

The Caboose Club works in partnership with the Supported Child Development (SCD) Program at the Queen Alexandra Centre for Children’s Health. If your child requires additional support in order to be successful in our program the School Age SCD program will be a valuable resource for you. This group of consultants will work with you as well as us here at the Caboose Club to ensure your child is supported and included in our program.

Does Caboose Club issue year-end tax receipts?

Yes. Receipts for Parent Payments will be issued in February for the previous year. Please note that receipts will not include amounts that were received from subsidy. Receipts for families with children no longer registered in a Caboose Club program at this time will be e-mailed to you. Please remember to keep your e-mail address with us up to date!

We hope that this Handbook has answered any questions you may have with respect to our program. If not, we would welcome the opportunity to discuss any additions or changes. Our greatest hope is that we have been able to convey that our concern is your children – their happiness, their health and their safety.

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